As I write to remind you all about the Rye Flower and Veg Show 2025, it is almost
impossible to imagine ever feeling warm again. Winter seems to have been
especially long this year and with only tiny signs of spring showing, home-grown
veggies seem a long way off.
Helena and I have been busy compiling the schedule for this year’s show, which will
take place at the Rye Community Centre on Saturday, August 30, and we are rather
excited by some of the new classes to test your skills. We have included all the
usuals – cabbages, onions, potatoes, tomatoes and so on as these are well

This year we have added a new class under the flowers and foliage section called
“Contrast, Clash or Co-ordinate – A garden display in a colour co-ordinated vessel –
colours important.” A bit of a mouthful, but this will be a class for those of you who
have a good eye for colour and are able to enter an eye-catching collection from
your garden that is enhanced by the vase or container you decide to show it in.
In the cookery section we are continuing with the favourites, especially the “Sausage
Rolls with an interesting twist” which has been so popular over the last few years.
For 2025 we are introducing “your own recipe Flapjacks”, “Chocolate Chip Cookies”
and a “Savoury flan with a garden themed decoration”. Take a look online for
inspiration for the flan and let your imagination run riot.
The photography and handicraft sections will include some new and some familiar
classes and will be available soon online and in the schedule which will be printed
later in the year. Full details and rules will be available on our website at in a month or so.
We also have a favour to ask. If you or anyone you know who might be fairly local is
able to donate one line of written calligraphy for an important certificate we would be
most grateful. Please send a text or call me on 07553 982 829. Many thanks.
Fingers crossed for a slightly better planting season than we had last year and we
hope to see you all at the show in August.
Happy sowing – Lorna Hall and Helena Hudd
Image Credits: Lorna Hall .