25 years of dedication to Santa


As Rye Christmas Festival gains momentum for this year’s big event, the committee responsible for organising it stop to appreciate the services of Rye Museum. Although this committee has only been active for the last three years, the dedicated staff at the museum have hosted and managed Santa’s Grotto in Rye for 25 years!

Sacrificing visitors to enjoy the historic treasures within the museum, the staff created a magical grotto for the town’s youngsters to enjoy, welcoming families with warm drinks and friendly faces. The museum grotto has been a pinnacle of the Christmas events for so long, it’s become a town tradition.

Since the launch of the Rye Christmas Festival in 2015, the demand for the grotto has increased dramatically and the workload has now become more difficult for the team at the museum to manage. The fantastic team really teach us about hard work and last year alone, they saw over 400 children in just five hours, which would be tiring for the most energetic amongst us!

So with a huge thank you to the staff at Rye Museum for their long service, the committee have taken on the responsibility of finding a new home for the grotto.

The creative team are currently making plans to wow visitors with the new grotto decorated to fit with this year’s theme of Toyland. This is a massive task at this late stage of the year but the team are confident that they won’t disappoint.

Thankfully the committee are still fully supported by the team at the museum, which will be playing an important role in preparing the presents and assisting with chaperoning Santa throughout the day.

Fear not if you were one of the hundreds who loved to visit the museum with your children as part of the festival, the team there will be opening the museum between 12 noon and 3pm on the day of the Festival for special Christmas crafts and activities for the children and they would love to see you all!

Rye Christmas Festival – Toyland, will take place on Saturday December 9, from 11am until late.

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