Adult Learning courses announced


The Rye Branch of the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) is taking bookings for the autumn term’s new courses for adult learners.

Jackie White will be back with her ever popular and fun Practical Gardening course, which is being held at Udimore Village hall every Monday from 11.30am to 1.30pm starting Monday, September 24.

Meanwhile Judy Sillem is also back with a popular course entitled Practical Art: Water Colour and Drawing. Starting on Wednesday, October 3 the course is once a week from 2pm to 4pm, with 10 sessions in total. The course is designed for beginners and those seeking to develop their skills. The classes are at the St Mary’s Centre in Lion Street.

US President Lincoln

Karen Chang is leading a weekly class called US Presidents – The Office and The Men which starts on Monday, October 8 from 2pm to 4pm. The 10 sessions are all at the St Mary’s Centre in Lion Street and will focus on the presidents from Jackson to Lincoln, looking at how the young country spread westwards and the split over slavery was an ever-present wound that was never going to go away.

Burning Issues is a lively debate on current affairs hosted by David Alfred, which is held every second Thursday of the month, between 1.30pm and 4.30pm at the St Mary’s Centre Centre in Lion Street, with a starting date of 11th October. The course therefore runs through to April 2019, just after Brexit!

For details of these courses, costs, and to reserve a place, call the WEA on 0300 303 3464, or enrol online at Otherwise, turn up on the day, but it would be helpful for the organisers to have an idea of likely numbers in advance.

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