Allotmenteers with a mission


Rye South Undercliff allotments celebrated receiving an award of nearly £2,000 at their bonfire party on Saturday November 3.

The award from the Little Cheyne Court Wind Farm Fund at Sussex Community Foundation  is to help pay for a large secure shed and machinery that can be shared among the plot holders. In addition, the plot holders took the opportunity to kick-start the collection of old tools for delivery to the charity Tools With A Mission (TWAM), which has previously been featured in Rye News. TWAM takes old tools, reconditions them and then delivers them to subsistence farmers in developing countries. The allotmenteers are organising a pick-up later in the year so if you have any old tools that you would like to donate email and they can arrange a pick up.

The allotmenteers’ annual Guy Fawkes gathering is the final event of four they host each year. They were served hot spicy chilli, perfect to ward off the cold as well as a plethora of delicious home made cakes.

Image Credits: Kevin McCarthy NA .

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