The Pett Level Rescue Boat (pictured above) is fund raising this Sunday (August 18) from 10am until 4pm with a pop-up art exhibition in the boat house where all the exhibits are for sale. The rescue boat is an independent inshore rescue service that works with HM Coastguard, the Search & Rescue helicopter teams and the RNLI.
Councillor hunted
Fairlight has a casual vacancy for a Parish Councillor. The closing date for declaring an interest is August 21 and those interested should contact Parish Clerk Pauline Collins on 822729.
The Fairlight History Group meets on Wednesday August 21 in the village hall at 2:30pm for a talk on the artists of Fairlight.
The East Sussex Hearing Resource Centre bus will be in the Fairlight village hall car park from 10:30am to 3:30pm on Thursday August 29.
Any phone box thoughts ?
Beckley Parish Council owns two red phone boxes. One holds a defibrillator in case of heart attacks, the other needs to find a use! Suggestion forms are available from the Farmers Market.
The Beckley village church fete is being held in Glebe Field on Bank Holiday Monday August 26 from 1-5 and the wine stall is looking for donations on the day.
Celebrating flowers
Brede Flower Festival, a three-day event over the August Bank Holiday weekend, August 24-26, is celebrating its 40th anniversary with the theme of “Celebrations”. Car parkers, helpers, stallholders and donors should contact Sue Sturmey on 01424 882544.
Singer Chantelle Duncan is singing at a concert in Brede Church on Saturday August 24 and the £10 tickets include paella and a glass of prosecco. Contact Father Martin on 01424 883408.
Diving underground

Winchelsea has around 50 vaulted medieval cellars or undercrofts dating from the Middle Ages which can be visited over the next three weekends (August 17/18, 24 and 26, and August 31) – and will also be open on various dates during September’s Rye Arts Festival.
Phone 07596182874 to reserve a place. Adults £5, children free and tours last about one and a half hours.
Listening to you
St Michael’s Hospice will be visiting Northiam Village Hall on Wednesday August 21 between 2:30pm and 4:30pm to tell you about its work and hear from you about “end of life” issues. For more details visit the hospice web site.
Northiam‘s Church of England Primary School was rated as “good” after a June inspection by the government inspectors Ofsted.
Organist Nathan James will be giving a recital at St Mary’s Church, Northiam, on Saturday September 7. Tickets are £12.50 in advance from Moloney & Partners or £15 on the door
Image Credits: Pett level IRB , Winchelsea Archaeological Society .