BBC comes to Rye College


On Wednesday, January 29, the BBC’s Radio 4 culinary panel show, Kitchen Cabinet will be recorded at Rye College. Among other items, the show will feature Rye’s Lazy Baker, who provides the bread sold at Whitehouse.

Hosted by Jay Rayner, the show is witty, fast-moving, and irreverent, but packed full of information that may well change the way you think about cooking.

There will be the opportunity to put your questions on anything and everything to do with food and drink to a panel of experts, and enjoy plenty of good-humoured conversation about cooking and eating.

Full details and how to apply for tickets (free) can be found here.

Doors open at 6pm, the show starts at 7pm and running time is one hour.

Source: Rye College/BBC

Image Credits: BBC .

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