Boots keep boat sailing


Local rescue charity, Pett Level Independent Rescue Boat (PLIRB) has just received an unexpected, and very welcome, donation of £1,000 from the organisers of the Elm Tree boot sale at Icklesham.

In a year when all forms of the PLIRB’s community fundraising have been largely shut down, the Elm Tree boot sale itself has also been challenged by the pandemic and lockdown.

As a result of gatherings being prohibited as part of the restrictions throughout much of the boot  sale season’ the regular Sunday boot sale took place on just seven occasions out of its usual 14 in 2020 – and visitors to each of the Icklesham boot sales contribute a 50p parking fee which Kit and Jan McLean donate directly to local causes.

Although Kit and Jan make a donation to the rescue boat each year from these funds, this year they’ve been particularly aware of the difficulties faced by the rescue boat charity, so they were keen that their annual donation should still be made.

Additionally, the couple have a special empathy for local charities and causes like the PLIRB, where everything is run and managed by volunteers, and where the donations are used to directly support the cause.

Around £100,000 for local charities

Since they have been running the Elm Tree boot sale for over 20 years, Kit and Jan estimate that in all they have raised and donated in the region of £100,000 to local charities.

“We try to do quite a bit for Five Villages minibus, the Marsham Older People’s Project and the Pett Older People’s Project – our donation buys a Christmas dinner for local pensioners – Friends of the Conquest Hospital, Fairlight Playgroup, Rother Responders and other local charities,” Kit shared.

“We’re happy to be making this donation to Pett Level Independent Rescue Boat because it’s a local charity and it all helps local people. I was in the PLIRB crew many years ago and, if we save one life, it’s worth it.”

PLIRB Treasurer, Stella Dunn (photographed above with Jan and Kit) said : “We’re extremely grateful to Kit and Jan McLean for their continued support. The unexpected situation this year has caused us significant difficulties with fundraising to meet our running costs.

Funding repairs and replacements

“This donation will help to breach the real short-fall caused by not being able to hold our annual Open Day fundraiser, due to lockdown and restrictions. Specifically, this donation will be used for essential equipment repairs and replacements.

We’d also like to say thank you to the people who support the Elm Tree boot sale, either as a seller or a customer, as not many people realise that the parking fee helps to support community charities such as ours.”

If you would like to know more about Pett Level Independent Rescue Boat please visit If you would like to know more about the Elm Tree Bootsale, please visit their dedicated Facebook page.

Image Credits: Katherine Crowther .

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