Fifth CAMRA award for Waterworks


The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) is a voluntary, independent consumer organisation based in St Albans, which promotes cider and perry, real ale, and traditional British pubs and clubs. These awards are given annually and are highly coveted. David Roder, the man behind the Waterworks initiative in both pub and brewery, was pleased as punch (or cider) to receive his fifth award on Tuesday May 9. This award was for the Cider Pub of the Year 2023 in the south-east of the England.

After David had been presented the certificate he held up the award grinning from ear to ear and told the assembled gathering: “This award means a great deal to me, genuinely, and I have cobwebs to dust off up there, (pointing to the other four awards) to hang this to make it five awards now. This is like the Holy Grail to me, we have got it again, so I am well happy but I haven’t done it on my own. I have an amazing, amazing, team behind me.

“First of all, there is Ulla my other half. Last year I said she was fed up with me talking about the pub 50% of the time but now we have the brewery it is a 100% of the time talking about beer now. So thank you Ulla. I have all the other lovely people who work alongside me: Jo-Jo, Ross who is behind the bar tonight, Lotte, Morganne, Pete behind the bar also, Debbie who looks after the cleaning and works behind the bar. Then we have Paul, he is one of the big heroes of this place, he has been a publican for twenty-four odd years, retired now and works for us instead.

“One of the main people who has helped me get the brewery up and running is a great partner of mine, Tim. Finally, I would like to thank everyone who comes into The Waterworks, because you are so loyal and so supportive, and it makes this place what it is today. So thank you to all of you.”

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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