Rye fishing industry on TV


If you missed Abigail Cooper-Hansen’s article A day in the life of it featured one of Rye’s fisherman, Ben Griffin and his family, their lives and the many challenges they face on a regular basis. Abigail also covered local Rye fish wholesalers Louise and Keith Chapman in her April article Focus us on local business which generated a lot of interest.

The two articles have close connections and are an important part of our local heritage and industry. The word is out and for those of you who follow celebrity chef Marcus Wareing you are no doubt following his popular TV series Tales from a Kitchen Garden which in episode 3, series 2  features Ben Griffin, Louise and Keith Chapman and our town of Rye. A programme well worth watching, just click on this link and enjoy the next 29 minutes.   https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001q1xq

Image Credits: Chris Lawson .

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  1. Why have you taken the post down about Ben Griffen, Nick, his ambition to live in Rye, and my comment about what surplus land Rother district council have,after selling the brownfield site,( Camber field) and what other land East Sussex County Council, and Rye Partnership own.


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