Submitting an article to Rye News


As well as utilising the skills of our team of writers, Rye News also welcomes articles from our readers. You can send in articles about anything, preferably with a Rye or local connection but not necessarily. However, the content has to be written in such a way that it isn’t offensive and needs to be factually correct if you intend to make statements. We want balanced news and views and to hear your opinions on what matters to you and the wider community.

We will do what we can to print the articles we receive but are not able to guarantee publishing them as we try and limit the number of published articles to around 25 each week, as this is a reasonable number for our hard working subs to cope with. Remember they all do this voluntarily and it takes time to process articles every week.

Photographs are very important and wherever possible landscape photographs are preferred as they fit far better within the Rye News template than portrait photographs. Good photographs attract the readers, poor or out of focus photographs won’t be published.

We publish on a Thursday evening, the weekly alert goes out at 8am on Friday morning but if you want your article to appear on a Friday, the deadline for it to be submitted is midday on the Wednesday. Anything received after this deadline will not be published but may be carried over to be considered for the following week if it is not time sensitive.

We need to know who the author is, when you submit your article to you will be asked to supply contact details in the event we need to get in touch. We will not share your contact details with anyone else without your permission.

Your article, if published, may attract comments from our readers, these comments will be processed by our comments moderator and published only if they comply with our guidelines. Our policy on comments is currently under review and will be published shortly for your information.

There are many who live locally who have been in Rye or its surroundings for many years. They have a wealth of local knowledge and experiences which we would like them to share and capture. Rye News readers are fascinated by our local history, they love to read about anecdotes, memories of how things used to be and stories about the characters who have lived or still live locally. They are also fascinated by what some of our buildings used to be, what shops and businesses we used to have, what happened in the area during the war years and how the town has evolved over the years.

We look forward to receiving your articles but if you want help in putting them together  then please let us know and we will do what we can to help. It’s your Rye News with news and views from your community, tell us what matters to you, our readers are waiting to read about it. And, if you fancy joining the team as a regular contributor we are always on the lookout for new talent.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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