Carry on clamping


Contrary to popular belief, the photo above was not taken by anyone from the Rye News team however it was received many times by Rye News, sent in by various readers in the hope that it would be published.

The photo was taken and then publicised by DVLA as a warning shot to motorists breaking the law as they descended on central Rye last weekend. They certainly made their mark as they exercised their right to place clamps on untaxed vehicles. It seems they can also tow away cars or other vehicles parked illegally on roads or public land, the same authority is shared with the police, local council and DVLA.

After 24 hours, if the release fee remains unpaid (currently £160 for cars or motorcycles and up to £700 for other vehicles), a clamped vehicle will be impounded and if not claimed it could be disposed of by either dismantling, auctioning or scrapping.

As they’ve been to visit us once, no doubt they will be back for more at some point, none of us are immune, Christmas or not they have a job to do.

Image Credits: DVLA .

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  1. How right Nick Forman to highlight the action by the DVLA,in clamping motorists breaking the law, hopefully next time they can clamp the vehicles that continue to park on the wide pavement, opposite the old night club in ferry road, causing damage to the paving slabs,which could become an accident waiting to happen,as they become dislodged, maybe Rye Town Council could recommend bollards, to stop this blatant disregard to pedestrians.

  2. Advertising for the company with the companies details on the the advertising A boards around Rye..some do make walking difficult for those with eye sight problems , including registers blind , those who use walking aids and wheelchairs, baby buggies. But illegal parking in the pavements also make it difficult..if not dangerous on some occasions. Drivers don’t always think about different needs of those who use the pavements..

  3. A stroll down Military Road by the DVLA team would result in any number of clampings, especially on a Thursday when the Cattle Market car park is unavailable. So many vehicles parked on double yellow lines, across dropped kerbs, across gates and driveways…


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