Catastrophic cuts proposed to fire service


East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service (ESFRS) is proposing a further round of cutbacks that are so stringent that many believe lives will be put at risk.

Firefighters in Rye have been shocked to learn that potentially catastrophic plans to cut fire cover in Hastings will inevitably lead to delays for residents of Rye and surrounding villages with possible loss of lives.

The proposals will see a significant cut to the number of firefighters at the Ridge Fire Station in Hastings where a different duty system will be imposed on the staff. This will mean the fire engine will be downgraded, adding a delay in its response at night. Currently, it is crewed 24/7 on an immediate response, but the proposals mean it will only turn out immediately during the day.

In Rye, the second fire engine has already been axed, leaving the area without the critical cover it needs. Now ESFRS is proposing further plans to downgrade the service.

Leo Cacciatore, a local representative of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) said; “It takes nine firefighters or two fire engines to quickly deal with even a small house fire safely or a road traffic accident. Without support from a second fire engine, it delays us doing our job. If people need rescuing, it is vital we have three fire engines attend. These proposals make it less safe for the community.”

He added; “In recent years we have seen the loss of one in every five firefighters in our service due to government austerity and cutbacks. These cuts go far deeper than we have ever known and will represent significant challenges to us when dealing with incidents and will put at risk our ability to provide a resilient and effective service.

“With these cuts in place, firefighters will be unable to quickly get on top of any fire or put in the interventions needed to prevent further loss of property and increased risk to the loss of life.”

A lack of attention to recruitment and retention of staff for the retained duty system has also had its impact at Rye, and the reduction in numbers through retirements has exacerbated the problem.

Helena Dollimore, Labour parliamentary candidate opposes the proposed cuts in East Sussex Fire and Rescue services

Helena Dollimore, the Labour parliamentary candidate for Hastings and Rye, told Rye News: “I strongly oppose these attempts to downgrade our local fire service. With more extreme weather events like the recent devastating flooding, more storms, and the heatwave last summer risking wildfires, our local firefighters and the service they provide have never been more important. Our firefighters risk their lives to protect our community and in return, they must have the resources to do their job in the safest, quickest way. I urge people to join our campaign calling on the East Sussex Fire Authority to rethink.”

Ms. Dollimore urges everyone concerned about these proposed cuts to sign the petition here:

Cllr Phil Scott, East Sussex County councillor added; “As a Hastings-based ESFRS Fire Authority Member I know only too well what any reduction in fire cover from the Ridge Fire Station will mean. It will mean that the northern flank of the borough and beyond will receive a diluted service which will see vital minutes lost in attendance times for areas such as Fairlight, Guestling, Icklesham, Winchelsea, and Rye. Lives could be lost in the name of saving money. That is not acceptable and I will oppose any such move.”

The proposals represent a complete U-turn by ESFRS, as they contradict their own data from the 2020 integrated management plan which actually proposed the need for an extra Hastings fire engine.

Leo Cacciatore summed it all up; “We are seeing our service being decimated.”

Image Credits: Rye News library , Chris Lawson .

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  1. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Have signed the petition and wonder what our current MP can also do to stop this?

  2. Genuine question – Isn’t New Romney Fire Station closer to Rye – and a shorter in time journey? The proposal is not to close The Ridge, but not to have instant response all through the night. Seems proportionate to place the most resources where the most people are.

  3. New Romney is further away and in another county. Kent also have their problems with crewing and availability. There is also a delay contacting Kent when asking for assistance.
    Under ESFRS’s own integrated risk management plan The Ridge was to be down graded to day crewed but another fire engine would be placed at Hastings fire station meaning 2 fire engines crewed 24/7 365 days of the year plus the The Ridge . This proposal is now not going to happen, leaving fire fighters and the public at a greater risk.
    ESFRS have already removed a fire engine from Rye, Battle and Lewes due to low activity. This will only save £7000 per year over the 3 stations and now makes the service less resilient. The low activity of these fire engines is partly due to ESFRS’s policies and a lack of recruitment into the retained duty system .
    We have already gone past the thin edge of the wedge, it’s time we as a society say enough is enough and fight any further reductions in all our emergency services.

  4. This is appalling. Fire engines don’t just attend fires, of course, and with regular floods and the increased threat of fires over hotter Summers how on earth is the area supposed to cope? Just this week we’ve seen huge fires and flooding in Hastings, not to mention the Brede valley.
    It seems to me the one thing that really needs to be cut is this Govt’s term in office…


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