College gets Breakfast Club


Anyone who’s watched pupils plodding to school hastily chomping on a crisps and Double Decker combo, washed down with a coke, will be relieved to hear of this thoughtful new offer from the college.

Rye College’s club provides free breakfasts to all and will include, toast, jam, honey, tea, coffee, milk or fruit juice and held each day in their brand new canteen from 8am. Parents have been taking advantage of this great service from the beginning of the term.

They say nothing is free, but the college has proved this untrue. In the full knowledge that a proper breakfast (allegedly the most important meal of the day) aids study and concentration amongst children, the college has tuned into the obvious academic benefits.

Head Teacher, Dom Downes said “we aim to do all we can to help our students achieve their best; the Breakfast Club is another element that we believe will help every student fulfil their potential”.

There may not be kedgeree, eggs Benedict or devilled kidneys on offer, but its good honest, healthy fare and its FREE! So, safe in the knowledge they’ll be well fed, we can now chuck the little darlings out of the door an hour early and get to work on time, for once.

Image Credits: Jeremy White .

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  1. Thank you, Jeremy, for telling us about the really important development of a breakfast club at Rye College which will be of benefit to many students and their families. It seems that new and positive things are happening in Rye’s schools under the aegis of the Aquinas Trust team. I was involved with a handful of others in doing something similar at Rye Primary School last year. It was very popular and a number of families came with their children to partake of a simple breakfast before school. Sadly we didn’t have the resources to sustain this on a long term basis. It would be wonderful if the trust could roll the Breakfast Club out to the primary school as well because these things make a real difference for good and help to create improved outcomes for children in respect of their studies.


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