Congratulations, Amber


Rye News sends congratulations to Amber Rudd, MP for Hastings and Rye, upon her appointment as Home Secretary in PM Theresa May’s new cabinet.

Having entered Parliament in 2010, she has been, by many accounts, an effective constituency MP and after increasing her majority at the last election, was appointed Secretary for Energy and Climate Change under David Cameron. She now takes up the post vacated by Mrs May, becoming, with her promotion, one of the most powerful figures in government. The Home Office has often proved to be a poisoned chalice for aspiring politicians in the past, the new PM being one of the few who have survived a long posting there.

Amber Rudd will have many problems facing her that are a far greater immediate challenge than those at her previous ministry and we wish her well in her new job.



Photo: library image

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  1. Yes, congratulations to Amber on her career progress. I wonder if she will have the time to deal with local issues any more. I went to a public meeting a couple of years ago with her, the Environment Agency and the public to discuss the appalling state of dereliction in Winchelsea Road from the Harbour Junction to the Strand. It hasn’t improved at all in the time since so let’s hope as Home Secretary her involvement will have a little more success !

  2. I’m not sure whether in traffic Amber after red means get ready to stop or on her own means ready to go!
    Theresa should Be cautious and so should the Rye community on their expectations.


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