Earlier this month I wrote an article entitled Never on a Sunday, which made reference to the fact that Boots is now closed on Sundays which means there are no pharmacies open in the immediate or local area. The article proved very popular but also raised a serious issue which obviously ‘hit home’ as it generated a lot of comments and response.
Rye News has since been contacted by a local resident whose comment we thought important to share with our readers as they have found a solution and we are pleased to quote them as follows.
“Friends visiting Rye Harbour on a recent Sunday had an increasing infection in his arm. Looked for an open pharmacy in the area and unable to find one, we went to the Conquest and found a walk-in service who quickly cleaned and dressed his arm, gave him spare dressings and directed him to a next door pharmacy with a prescription for antibiotics! He praised the efficiency and availability of this service on a Sunday, open 24 hours a day!”
The writer goes on to say “I did not know of this service, even though I have lived here for 38 years and wonder how many people know of this!?”

Thanks to all who contributed to Rye News on this subject and particularly to the author of the above, Rye News is after all a community ‘paper’ and it is communication like this which makes it so popular and so informative, keep ’em coming!
Image Credits: ESHT , Nick Forman .
I wonder if it would be possible for our two pharmacies (and perhaps other locations) to display this information on their windows so sick or injured locals and visitors would know where to go? Although it’s a long haul from Rye to the Conquest and not at all easy if you’ve arrived by train or don’t have a car.