Constant demand


Our operation is well established now and very much client focussed. Each person who visits Rye Foodbank has the opportunity to form a supportive relationship with us – we get to know our clients and the problems that have brought them to visit the foodbank. Their well-being is of course important and we try to offer solutions to sometimes complicated sets of circumstances and problems. We listen, laugh and sometimes weep with clients.

Over the past three years we have served a total of 346 households of between 1 and 10 people, that’s approximately 1000 individuals. Many of these have become independent, many others just come in from time to time, and a few are regular clients. We typically serve between 35 and 55 households each week.

We provide food, but very much more than that because we talk with new clients to understand their needs and, with our partners, provide face-to -ace active help with benefits, with debt, with budgeting and, as far as we can with housing. We have found that the food issue is often only a symptom of other problems – often being rooted in education that has left people significantly unprepared to live stable and contented lives.

Demand remains consistent at around 100 people per week. We provide three meals per day, three times a week, for each member of the household. We turn over about a ton of non-perishable food each Wednesday and spend over £4000 per month on food. We are entirely supported by donations from the local community. We welcome fresh food donations that must arrive on Wednesday mornings before 12:00.

A warm welcome awaits at Rye Baptist Church

We have changed what we supply to clients and no longer distribute sugar and washing up liquid and other household items. We also more closely monitor what food items clients say they need rather than distributing a range of goods automatically. This seems to be working well.

The opening hours have changed – we are now open only two hours a week instead of three. This makes little difference to operational practices as the work of packing the food parcels and managing the stock is all done outside of opening hours.

Huge thank you to all our donors, to everyone who gives to us no matter how large or small – please know that everything donated is deeply appreciated. Please help enable us to continue our work supporting the most disadvantaged in our community by making a donation if possible – our bank details are:

Account Name: Rye Foodbank
Account Number: 83501116
Sort Code: 20-54-25

Rye Foodbank can be contacted every day of the year at any time. We can, and do, respond to emergency calls at unsocial hours. If you, or anyone you know needs our help please call us on 07526 349847 or email

You can also visit our website.

We are open every Wednesday from 12:00 until 14:00 in the lower hall behind the Baptist Church, Cinque Ports Street, Rye. Everyone is welcome – you do not need a referral or a voucher.

Huge thanks again to all individuals and business in Rye who support our work.

Image Credits: Kt bruce , Nick Forman .

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