Covid-19 booster jabs


Third or booster vaccine doses of Pfizer are being delivered by the NHS for people most at risk from Covid-19, including:

  • people aged 50 and over, who have had a 2nd dose of any Covid vaccine at least 182 days ago
  • people who live or work in care homes
  • frontline health and social care workers
  • people aged 16 and over with a health condition that puts them at high risk of getting seriously ill from Covid-19
  • people aged 16 and over who are a main carer for someone at high risk from Covid-19
  • people aged 16 and over who live with someone who is more likely to get infections (such as someone who has had a transplant or is having certain treatments for cancer, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis)
  • people who are pregnant and in one of the eligible groups can also get a booster dose

In the Rye centre we are now seeing those who have been contacted by NHS letter advising them to book on the website. Another option is to telephone 119.

The Rye centre would always prefer people to book as it allows us to ensure supplies of Pfizer vaccine. However, we know from local reports this week that there are delays in the process, which the NHS is addressing. As if to underscore this, on Monday Downing Street said the NHS was doing “everything possible to contact people eligible for a third or booster jab, along with the separate schools programme for children aged 12-15.”

To ensure that we can deliver effectively, the Rye centre is accepting “walk-ins”, which we prefer to see after 11am each open day and at least one hour before end of session. This again will enable us to better control the supply and preparation of vaccine.

Call for volunteers

As the Rye centre depends on the support of volunteers, more are always welcome. If you would like to help, please contact the centre via, the REACT or RyePfizer (@ryepfizer) Facebook pages or by 07414 617484 / 07984 930315. There is no fixed commitment. Volunteers can give as much, or as little time as they can manage. Once contacted there are WhatsApp groups to link volunteers and vaccinators to the facility.

Image Credits: Anthony Kimber .

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  1. As soon as I heard from the NHS I “walked in” on the chance I might get seen, and I was out again after my “booster” jab in about half an hour – and there was lots of distancing and helpful volunteers ! My shoulder ached a bit for a couple of days but that was the “booster” done and dusted ! Thank you

  2. It would be very helpful to know if the Vaccination Centre we are encouraged to attend was actually open this morning (Friday @ 11am) after a long walk from home we were greeted by a sign saying “No Vaccinations today”! There were many other people we met hoping to attend. It would also have been helpful if the sign informed us exactly when they would be resuming the vaccinating program! A big disappointment!

  3. A recent Rye News report informed us that the vaccination centre at Rye had delivered over 12,000 injections to date. That represents payment of over £150,960 to the people in charge. Perhaps it’s time to stop relying on volunteers for such a lucrative business?

  4. The Rye Vaccination Centre publishes its opening times on Facebook @ryepfizer. If you are contemplating “walking in”, then do check first for the latest opening times, which are governed by many short term factors including staff availability and vaccine supply.

  5. Can I request that Rye News negotiate with the vaccination centre to advertise their opening times etc on this site rather than relying on a social media platform that causes serious public harm?

  6. Had my booster jab at tilling Green today the centre was packed,full marks to all those involved,especially bringing this much needed service to this town, after the previous tedious journeys to Etchingham and other places,for something as important as this that has proved to be so successful for all, in Rye and District.


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