Covid 19: RMA update


In view of increasing local infections, the declaration of a “major emergency” by the NHS and the Sussex Resilience Forum locally, and the return to the government message “Stay at Home”, Rye Mutual Aid has just reviewed its operation across the 21 zones in Rye and District.

We have reviewed the increased risks, updated some of our communications and are talking to all the zones to ensure that we have volunteers available to provide community support.

Separately, RMA is asking for any surplus computers, pads or games machines which can support home learning for those school children without the necessary equipment. Initial responses have been positive.

For those in the zones who are self isolating, shielding (having had a letter from the NHS) or infected at home, and have no friends or family who can help, then RMA volunteers can support with food and prescriptions. Telephone contacts are on social media or the RMA website or on posters across the area.

Facebook:  @ryemutualaid


Many are asking about access to the Covid-19 vaccine. We are waiting to hear about the vaccine hubs being planned in this part of Rother District and the likely programme for those in the high priority groups. We know that some hubs to the west (Hastings and beyond) are already operating but, as and when we secure the details of those more locally, we will publish them.

Image Credits: Crown copyright 2020 .

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