For some, it is difficult to remember the gravity of the onset of the Covid pandemic in early 2020. Five years ago, we did not realise that every aspect of society would be hugely altered by the experience.
Television programmes, such as the BBC’s “Covid Legacy”, remind us of the deaths, the suffering, the social isolation, the Zoom conferences, educational challenges, conspiracy theories and the many practical challenges of everyday living. Since the start the impacts have been profound, millions still suffer from grief, anxiety or long Covid.
In early 2020, as news of the virus spread, Rye should be proud that groups of individuals in the community stepped up to plan practical measures to help. From the first week Rye Resilience Team (REACT) and Rye Mutual Aid (RMA) combined to coordinate supplies to the vulnerable. The REACT team, exploited its long-established working relationships with Rother Emergency Planning, Rye Town Council. and many other vital supportive organisations, such as the Foodbank.
It contributed to the combined group operating as Rye Mutual Aid. The latter’s growing army of volunteers mobilised to acquire protective equipment, deliver prescriptions, food and much more. Face coverings were manufactured and distributed. Local businesses were engaged to help make plans to deliver food and supplies. Social media platforms were launched to aid communication. By late 2020, the organisation operated a zonal structure covering a large slice of rural Rother from Westfield to Camber The activities were reported in Rye News.
By volunteering to consider others, many individuals admitted that commitment to others resulted in less personal anxiety. Their efforts were later recognised by the lord lieutenant and Rye Town Council.
By March 2021, vaccines became available and after significant lobbying, supported by the MP and the mayor, NHS England agreed that Clarity Chemists of Ticehurst and St Leonards could step up to deliver the Rye Vaccination Centre at Tilling Green. The Rye Partnership leased space in the community centre allowing the pharmacists to build a vaccination facility supported by a team of professional vaccinators and a pool of local volunteer marshals. At its peak, the last numbered around 60 strong. The arrangements were all subject to NHS inspection and approval. When the winter 2024-25 session was completed, some 65,000 jabs had been delivered and plans are in hand for the next session starting in April 2025.
Rye Vaccination Centre on Mason Road, Rye, TN31 7BE, led by Clarity Chemists. Details are @ryepfizer.
Not since the second world war had there been such an urgent need for the community to pull together and focus on the important local practical issues caused by the lockdowns and spreading Covid virus. The lessons identified have been recorded and should prove valuable in the event of another pandemic. Some experts suggest that that is when not if.
Image Credits: Anthony Kimber .