Covid stars


Wednesday, October 13 saw a number of local voluntary groups commended by both the Lord Lieutenancy and Rye Town Council for their outstanding responses to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Speaking in the council chamber, the first time it has hosted a function other than a wedding since March 2020, Major-General John Moore Bick conveyed the Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex’s gratitude for the notable service to the community given by the ‘Covid Stars’ groups gathered and presented them with a letter of appreciation.

On behalf of the town council, Rye mayor Councillor Rebekah Gilbert presented the groups with a certificate recording the council’s the appreciation of the service their respective organisations had rendered to the town.

She added: “The pandemic has been very much like a period in time when none of us had a script to follow, and we were all rather lost at the time wondering whatever scene would come next. We went from one act to another, improvising, wondering if it was right.

“‘Thank you’ seems so small and an inconsequential two words, yet for all of you in the room tonight, we owe you not only a massive thank you but a debt of gratitude for what you did during that period of improvisation.

“And not only you, but the countless other volunteers who stepped up to the plate, put themselves out to help others, many of whom they had never known before, but became friends, caring, and true neighbours. We will never know all your names in this vast cast list, but each and every one of you did something of great value that should not be under-estimated. Whether it was being there for someone at their darkest and gravest hours of need, when they felt like they had lost everything – their world, their identity, perhaps even their family. Or whether it was just to pop in to your neighbour to say good morning. Every act was an act of kindness, well meant, well received and well done.

The organisations recognised – and those attending on their behalf – were:

Rye Food Bank
Chris Emson
Bob Harper
Ellis Harper

Rye Mutual Aid
Caroline Drummond
Bruni Llovet
Jen Sinclair

Rye Emergency Action Community Team
Anthony Kimber
John Holbrook

Rye & District Community Transport
Pat Hughes
Niki Stuart
Gay Canning

Image Credits: Kenneth Bird .

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