Dogs to be allowed to visit cemetery


The rules governing where dogs are allowed in public spaces around Rye have been updated and approved by Rother District Council after public consultation during the summer. Following an intervention from Rye Town Council, dogs on leads will be allowed throughout Rye Cemetery – currently dogs are only allowed on the footpath through the graveyard. Rother also consulted on a huge extension to the summer beach dog bans at Camber and Broomhill, but has decided to make no changes, ignoring the results of the online consultation which received almost 2,000 replies.

Current restrictions at Rye Cemetery

In an emotional debate on Monday, October 9 Rother’s cabinet met to discuss how the authority should update the council’s public spaces protection order. Officers had originally recommended that the current restrictions in Rye Cemetery, which have led to controversial fixed penalty notices, should continue. Councillors disagreed having heard the view of Rye Town Council that loved ones visiting the cemetery would want to take their pets with them. Rother will now consult with other public bodies, but it seems likely that dogs will be allowed on short leads in the cemetery when the new order comes into force in January

Current summer restrictions at Camber Sands

At Camber, two controversial options were consulted on: banning dogs entirely from Camber and Broomhill beaches during the summer apart from near the harbour, or allowing dogs near the harbour and to the east of Broomhill car park, again during the summer. The council said extending the dog ban was in part to protect the safety of kite surfers but has chosen to ignore both options and keep the current summer restrictions.

Broomhill Sands

Proposals to remove the summer restrictions at Winchelsea Beach were approved, but refused at Pett Level. The current ban on dogs in the Gun Gardens in Rye is being altered to allow dogs on leads. Finally, councillors agreed to continue to ban dogs from all sports and recreational facilities in the district.

Image Credits: James Stewart , Rother DC .

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  1. Is it possible please, to clarify the position re. dogs in the cemetery: the opening paragraph states “Following an intervention from Rye Town Council, dogs on leads will be allowed throughout Rye Cemetery”, but later in the article it says: “Rother will now consult with other public bodies, but it seems likely that dogs will be allowed on short leads in the cemetery when the new order comes into force”. The first statement suggests a decision has been made; the second suggests there’s still consultation to be had. Clarification would be most welcome, please!

  2. Thanks for the update. Does the Cricket Salts count as a ‘sport and recreation’ facility? Are dogs still going to be allowed there?

  3. Unlike when the football and cricket Salts were in permanent use 52 weeks of the year,the Salts is only used now for 22 weeks of the year and the rest of the year it lays dormant , seeing this open recreation ground was given to the people of the town,it should remain open and not for the privileged few.


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