Don’t lose your vote


The government have changed the way we register to vote. In the past the head of the house filled in the form each year and returned it to the local council. This changed in 2014 and now each person has to register themselves.

Rother District Council (RDC) have sent out a Household Enquiry Form to be completed by each household. If someone in the household is not on the electoral register they should then receive an ‘Invitation to register’. You must register by December 1, or risk being omitted from the register and lose your right to vote. [Rother are also following up the Household Enquiry Forms with canvassers if forms are not returned – but individuals then have to register using another form, Editor]

Full details can be found on the RDC website. The website explains that, if you are not registered to vote, it could affect your credit rating.

Members of the Rye Branch of the Hastings & Rye Labour party were out last Saturday, November 7, telling people in town what they need to do to register. If you are 16 you can register to vote, but cannot actually vote until your 18th birthday.

To register you need to go to You will need to fill in your name, address, date of birth and a few other details. You will need your National Insurance number. Nothing could be simpler, and I don’t know why the RDC (or more probably the government as the RDC are just following orders, Editor) are making it so hard and spending money in this time of tightened budgets.

Photo: Ray Prewer

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