New research by Trussell Trust, governing body of Rye’s food bank, shows food banks are forecast to give out six emergency food parcels a minute this winter.
This week, the Trussell Trust released a report revealing how coronavirus has affected food bank use, with a huge rise in people needing to use a food bank in its network for the first time. The Trussell Trust’s records also show that families with children are being hit the hardest during the crisis.

Analysis carried out by Heriot-Watt University with support from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research estimates that if changes aren’t made this autumn, there is likely to be a 61% rise in need at food banks in the Trussell Trust’s network this winter, equating to 846,000 food parcels being given out.
The charity warns that with mass unemployment predicted on a scale not seen since the early nineties, there will be further rises in poverty with 670,000 additional people classed as destitute by the end of 2020, meaning they cannot afford essentials like housing, energy and food. This is on top of year-on-year rises in the number of people unable to afford food and forced to food banks across the UK.
But the situation can be turned around, the charity says. The government response to protect jobs and incomes during this pandemic has shown what a difference can be made when support structures are put in place. The much-needed rises to some benefit levels and the job retention scheme prevented many more people from facing destitution. But the charity warns that with these schemes set to end, the government must act now to ensure we are all protected.
This research reflects the demands on Rye Food Bank, during September so far we are distributing half a ton of food per week to 30 families. We must ensure our stocks remain adequate for a rise in demand once furlough payments end.
Please keep your donations coming. We are now opening on Wednesdays only at the Baptist Hall in Cinque Ports Street in Rye to receive donations and for clients to visit.
Monetary donations can be sent to the Bexhill Food Bank Rye Branch at Barclays Bank, sort code 20-54-25, account number 83501116, through the Jempson Foundation or cheques to Rye Food Bank c/o 24 North Salts, Rye. If you donate via the Jempson Foundation and are a taxpayer, gift aid can be applied, thereby increasing the value of the donation by 25% at no cost to the donor.
You can contact Rye Food Bank at If you need help from Rye Foodbank contact Rother District CAB on 08000 2904 3948, email:, or the Hastings Advice & Representation Centre (HARC) on 0333 344 0681, email:
Image Credits: Mags Ivatts .