Forgery gang swoop on shopkeepers


Rye News has received reports of a spate of forged £20 notes being passed off at retail premises in the High Street, Rye, last Monday April 9.
We understand a gang of several individuals worked their way along the shops buying low-priced items and obtaining change. Sue Ryder, the Apothecary, Adams Stationers and Corridor Cafe are understood to have been targeted. One alert shop assistant noticed the fraud very quickly but too late to catch the culprit. In another incident a couple entered a coffee shop and ordered a cup of coffee and left with their change, but minus coffee.
The notes apparently all had the same serial number DH 14071987 and apart from the absence of the water mark with the Queen’s head, they were well produced copies, complete with silver foil strip and circles.  We understand also that Battle was targeted the previous day on Sunday April 8 and also Tenterden has been hit. Shopkeepers were phlegmatic about their losses and did not consider it worth reporting to the police.
Rye News though obtained this comment from Sussex Police: “Police have been made aware of fake £20 notes being used in and around Rye and Battle, proferred by suspects for small value items so that they can then obtain genuine money as change. The counterfeit notes all bear the same serial number: DH 14071987. Shopkeepers and members of the public have been advised to look out for such notes and to report details online or by phoning 101. If it is suspected an attempt is being made to deliberately defraud, and the suspect is still present or nearby, call 999 and ask for police.”

Photo: Kenneth Bird

Image Credits: Rye News Library .

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