Free juice anyone?


Rye Community Garden is hosting a free apple pressing event this Saturday, October 29, in the Jempson’s car park in Rye to bring awareness to the sweet and delicious benefits of gleaning fruit from local apple and pear trees instead of letting the fruit drop and go to waste.

Bring your own container if you want to take some free juice home. Volunteers to help with the pressing and donated bags of apples/pears are welcome and appreciated.

Rye Community Garden also encourages and welcomes volunteers to help at the garden (near the Love Lane allotments at the end of Love Lane) every Saturday from 10am – 12pm. Gardening experience is NOT necessary. We are all learning and growing together!

Please note that we won’t be at the garden this Saturday, as we’re at Jempson’s.

Image Credits: Transition Rye .

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