Funding agreed for the Landgate


Rother District Council (RDC) Cabinet met on Monday March 12 and agreed to carry out urgent works to the Landgate. The Cabinet agreed “up to £74,000 to be met from the Repairs and Renewals Earmarked Reserves” – which includes a contribution of £7,000 to be raised by local stakeholders.
The money is to pay for works to “put the building in a condition that gives a breathing space to pull together a forward strategy”. The work consists of cleaning and anti-pigeon measures; removal of debris, woodwork, and flagpole; repair of masonry and rainwater pipes; and remedial electrical works. It is expected that the work will be commissioned in the coming year.
As reported in a previous edition of Rye News, Rye Town Council had already agreed to underwrite the £7,000 stakeholder contribution towards the repair bill with the Rye Fund showing willingness to contribute nearly half of that amount.
At the Cabinet meeting, councillors stressed that they want the ancient building transferred “to a suitable new public or private guardian in accordance with Historic England’s guidance”.

Rye News Library

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  1. At least some work is to be done on the Landgate at last. Congratulations to those who have fought for this work to be done. I hope RDC will now use the same urgency to get the parking situation under control by using their new powers, once they have them. However, whatever Historic England may advise, the Landgate will always need repair from time to time and it must be maintained to ensure its future. I believe any other organisation will find it very difficult to fund this work indefinitely: only a statuary body can do that. RDC just wishes to absolve itself of any responsibility and takes no pride in its area. It should see the Landgate as a worthy and exceptional building which it has a duty to maintain for future generations


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