Last Friday August 5 at the Rye Creative Centre (RCC) in New Road, ARRCC (Activities, Respite, Rehabilitation Care Centre) organised an Open Day for members, dignitaries (including Rother District Council chairman Paul Osborne and High Sheriff Michael Foster, shown below) and visitors from Rye and its surrounding to showcase their various activities and workshops.

There was a stall (right) advertising Rother Voluntary Action and a stall with plants.

At the reception we were offered a glass of wine and directed to the garden (below left) and I was very impressed with the wonderful flowers and vegetables in raised beds that members and staff had created over time.
Everybody was very friendly and mingled. We were told about the many activities which include music workshops, looking after the garden, tea dances, health walks, flower arranging, art workshops and more.

ARRCC is a daytime service for adults with cognitive/physical and sensory impairment or dementia and provides other services for older people, encouraging everyone to join in the activities and outings which support healthy living, creativity and skill learning.
It was a great day and hopefully it brought more awareness of ARRCC, and helps with further funding and finding the new volunteers who are needed. For any further details please go to their website:
Many ARRCC fundraising activities and events are organised at the RCC, and theatre co-ordinator Sam Williams (below right) entertained some of the guests in the centre’s theatre. Fundraising included money for a new bus (below left) to help ARRCC deliver its services and organise activities.

Photos: Heidi Foster