Guestling says it with flowers


St Laurence Church Guestling is holding its annual Flower Festival from Friday to Sunday August 17-19 2018, between 10am and 5pm each day. The theme for this year’s event is “Observer’s Books”. Lunches (including ploughman’s), tea, coffee and cakes will be available, as well as produce and book stalls, and a tombola. The event is free to enter, with ample parking, and all proceeds will go to the St Laurence Church Restoration Fund.

This year’s event is extra-special because it will be the last organised by Rosemary Gainsbury, as she is retiring after 30 years of managing the Flower Festival. The festival’s publicity officer, Sarah Lewis, has recognised Rosemary’s contribution and called for this year’s festival to be the biggest and best yet as a thank-you for Rosemary’s contribution. Sarah said: “Without Rosemary’s hard work, dedication, selflessness and creative vision over the past 30 years, the flower festivals simply would not have taken place. We owe Rosemary a huge debt of gratitude for all the hard work she has put in to make the festivals such a success, enjoyed by local people and visitors alike. To honour her remarkable achievement, we would like to see record numbers of people turn up, so that we can thank Rosemary for all she has done for St Laurence during her 30-year tenure.”

The Festival concludes with a Songs of Praise service on Sunday at 6pm. Everyone is welcome to join in. Enquiries: 01424 812254. Directions: we are on the A259 roughly half way between Rye and Hastings. The Church is signposted from the junction of A259 and Church Lane. Ample free parking.

Photo: courtesy of

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