Heritage Centre has new future


Rye News has just received this statement from the charity aiming to take over the running of the Heritage Centre:

“I’m pleased to report that RTC have offered the recently formed Rye Heritage Centre charity a five year lease on the premises at the Strand to allow the Town Model to continue operating and to provide opportunities for expanding exhibits about Rye’s history.

From April 2020 Tourist Information will be provided by RTC from the Town Hall, with the Heritage Centre (including the Town Model) at Strand Quay being operated by the new charity.

There is a lot of work to be done on the finer details of the agreement but the charity will now formalise its status with a bid for Charity Commission Registration, fundraising will begin in earnest and a volunteer base will be properly established.”

[Editor’s note: Rye News reported just before Christmas that Rye Town Council had raised £120,000 by the sale of a bust in the Town Hall’s attic which had been valued initially at between £15, 000 and £20,000.

That sale was necessary because the council’s subsidy of the Heritage Centre over a period of time had severely depleted the council’s General Reserve and resulted in the decision to look for someone else to run the Heritage Centre.]

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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  1. Whoopee, saved from loosing one of the towns attractions. I feel that it is time for a door to door bucket rattling fund raising exercise; to extract some loose change from the people of Rye. This startup period for the new charity is crucial to its overall success. Come on the people of Rye, support your home town…..

  2. I hope the new operators of the Heritage Centre will get things done faster than the present lot. Many months ago I reported a weatherboard detatched from the south facing wall. It remained on the ground for weeks until I reported it. It has now disappeared but not put back from whence it came. A gaping hole still exists. It would take only a few minutes to re-attach. During this time for a number of weeks, tradesmen with ladders have been atending to the flat roof.

    • Duly noted. The building will be leased from Rye Town Council who are and will remain responsible for building maintenance and repairs.

  3. Great news re charity and that RTC will still be part responsible for heritage, a combined town project including the volunteers prepared to help which I hope some of us locals will offer their time to keep this valuable centre open.


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