Many are asking, what’s happening at the Hub on Rye Hill, the community wellbeing centre next to the hospital and the doctors’ surgery? Just like every other building site in the country, work had to come to a complete standstill due to the coronavirus outbreak, but now at last the final pieces of the jigsaw are being put in place, and the project is once again back on track.

The heavy rain earlier in the year caused an unexpected delay, and the drainage proved to be more of a challenge than anticipated, but that is now old news. The site is back up and running, the hoarding has gone, and the builders are cracking on with the final phase of the build. Site fencing is a temporary measure whilst a beech hedge is planted around the perimeter, the hard and soft landscaping is underway, and the builders are aiming to handover on July 7, all things being equal.

Once commissioned, the Hub is planned to officially open on August 3 and, depending on the social distancing conditions at that stage, an open day is planned for local people to come and enjoy.
There have been plenty of expressions of interest from groups and organisations considering taking space and organising events in addition to the Sarah Lee Trust and St Michael’s Hospice who will be taking up residencies.
Three coordinators have been appointed to organise the café, business and social calendars, but volunteers are always needed, donations too. You can make donations via the website or you can also make donation enquiries by email on or by contacting Katie Gurney, company secretary on 01797 223810.

Rye News will publish further updates when we can, and although the external appearance still looks like a building site, it’s looking pretty spectacular inside and, once finished, will no doubt prove to be a great additional asset and multi-functional facility for all to experience.
Image Credits: Jenner , Nick Forman .