How local is "local" for renters?


Rye Town Council has a house to rent (pictured above) in South Undercliff to a low income local family – but can not agree on how to define “local”.

A back view of the council’s house to rent

The latest attempt to draft the rules for who can rent it was approved, for now,  after some confused, and confusing, votes on Monday – but may well be revised.
Deputy Mayor Cllr Mike Boyd said they had worked long and hard on the letting conditions, but others felt the proposed conditions might not achieve the aim of letting to younger less well off families.
Cllr Andy Stuart wanted more emphasis on the children’s education in Rye rather than on employment (past and present) in Rye, though some children living a long way from Rye can and do come to the town’s schools.
The problem was how to define families with the strongest connection to the town/parish and various views were put forward.
However the end result of a confused discussion seemed to be “suck it and see” and the 2/3 bedroom house is now seeking a new renter.

Photos: John Minter

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  1. I’m not confused (probably just as well!) Priority will be given to applicants with the strongest local connection to the Parish of Rye which, as a minimum, is 10 years of living in Rye/having lived in Rye; working in Rye/having worked in Rye; education in Rye; employment in Rye; owning a business in Rye – or a combination of these to achieve the 10-years qualification.


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