Winchelsea mayor making steeped in tradition


Easter Monday dawned bright and clear which cheered the new mayor-to-be, Peter Cosstick, and the jurats of Winchelsea.

Assembled in the Court Hall at 10:30am on Monday, April 1 were the vice lord-lieutenant of East Sussex, Graham Peters, the high sheriff, Richard Bickersteth, the jurats of Winchelsea and Peter Cosstick. David Merrifield, former mayor, welcomed those assembled and Jennifer Sutherland, the town clerk, read the mayoral oath to swear in Peter Cosstick, as tradition demands:

‘You shall faith and truth bear to our Sovereign Lord the King’s Majesty, his heirs and successors and to the Commonalty of the Town of Winchelsea and the Franchises, Liberties and Usages of the same you shall rightfully maintain and keep to your power. And to the common profit thereof you shall have respect and regard and to rich and poor you shall ever do right to your power. So help you God.’

The rest of the ceremony was conducted in the church of St Thomas’s for the third year in a row which enabled many more residents of Winchelsea to be part of this moving ceremony.

David Merrifield former mayor of Winchelsea

David Merrifield was invited to sum up his time of being mayor and was able thank the people who had supported him throughout his term of office, especially his charming wife Sandra. David told the congregation that during his term of office he had attended over a hundred and twenty meetings and events both in Winchelsea and throughout the member towns of the confederation the highlight , of course, being the invitation to the coronation of His Majesty the King. He was now looking forward to supporting the new mayor but also to having some well-earned ‘downtime’.

This story will be continued next week when Peter will be able to explain the mayor making day from his perspective with many more photos.

Mayor making April 1 2024

After the ceremony formal photos were taken and then the congregation headed to the New Hall for a delightful buffet and bubbly to welcome the new mayor and lady mayoress.

These customs of mayor making in both Winchelsea and Rye are important to preserve as part of our heritage. They give us all time to reflect upon all the former mayors of the community and the essential rôle that they have played in shaping our past and future.

Image Credits: Kt bruce .

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  1. Wonderful to see this tradition being maintained. Practicing such traditions keeps our history alive for future generations


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