Mayor sings out for charity


Rye’s mayor, Rebekah Gilbert, is singing with former mayor, Jonathan Breeds on Saturday, August 14 at 7pm at Winchelsea parish church as a start to her fundraising activities this year.

The concert, accompanied by pianist Richard Eldridge, will include a potpouri of all types of music from opera, English and French song, cabaret and some fun ditties.

Rebekah graduated from the Royal Academy of Music as a concert singer and has performed as a soloist in most central London venues and also appeared as a soloist in Venice and Melbourne before the pandemic. Jonathan graduated from Middlesex University in performing arts and is well known to many locally as a great performer.

Tickets, including a welcome glass of wine, are available in advance at £18 each from, or £20 on the door from 6:30pm.

Rebekah said: “We are so looking forward to singing live again. The last time we did was at Winchelsea church, where we were so warmly welcomed and the evening was so well organised, that we very much look forward to returning again, some 11 months later!

“Sadly the pandemic has dashed a lot of plans to help raise funds for my two charities, so I am all out this year to do as much as I can to help. The charities are free music lessons with the Rye Wurlitzer Academy, which gives young people lots of self confidence to stand up on stage and present themselves, to work with others in the team, to travel, and have great opportunities that music brings.

“The other is the Rye Old Scholars Association Generation X fund – helping under 35s who have been to Thomas Peacocke / Rye College to start up a new business; they may need equipment such as chef’s knives, a lawn mower, or a laptop to help them start a new business and it will be great to help encourage entrepreneurship. In addition, I hope that some of the older scholars will volunteer as mentors to help younger ones get started in their enterprise.”

Other planned events include a last night of the proms and a sponsored cycle ride in September, a gala dinner at the Mermaid in October, a quiz night at the Queen’s Head in November, and No Hair Mayor – a sponsored head shave at the Mermaid in December.

2022 will bring a shanties night and a scratch Messiah to sing along to. Hopefully there is something for everyone to come along and enjoy. If you are unable to, but would like to donate or contribute raffle / auction prizes do get in touch with Rebekah.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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