Medical centre PPG AGM


Rye Medical Centre Patient Participation Group (PPG) has announced that it will be holding its annual general meeting on Wednesday, November 17.

The meeting will take place at 6:30pm at the Hub on Rye Hill, Kiln Drive, Rye Foreign, TN31 7SQ which is adjacent to the medical centre and will share its parking spaces for the occasion.

A spokesperson told Rye News that, “The patients’ group, having met virtually on a couple of occasions, are pleased to be returning to what should still be called the ‘new normal’ of socially distanced meetings at appropriately sanitised locations to continue the vital work of liaison between the medical practitioners, surgery staff and their valued patients.”

They explained that a PPG is a group of patients, carers and GP practice staff who meet to discuss practice issues and patient experience to help improve the service. Since April 2015, it has been a contractual requirement of NHS England for all GP practices to have a PPG and to make reasonable efforts for this to be representative of the practice.

The spokesperson continued to tell us that, “perhaps inevitably after a one-year hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic there are several vacancies to be filled at this year’s AGM on the committee, due to members coming to the end of their statutory term of office or who are unable to continue due to other reasons.

“We are seeking nominees from the GP practice list across as wide a spectrum of age, gender, ethnicity and mobility as possible. Among vacancies to be filled on this occasion include the role of both chairperson and secretary, each with as appropriate a handover process as possible and will hopefully be subject to nominations on the evening based on experience and willingness to serve in these important roles.”

Nominations can be submitted in writing to the practice to Rye Medical Centre, Kiln Drive, Rye Foreign, Rye, East Sussex TN31 7SQ.

Image Credits: Rye News Library .

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