New bus wheels

The inscriptions read “Inspired by our beloved driver Lyn Nealon” and also In memory of Jimper Sutton and Edna Breeds

Just a week shy of six months since the accident in which Rye & District Community Transport’s (RCDT)”Jimper Sutton” bus was written off, its replacement was blessed and dedicated by Canon David Frost in front of Rye’s Town Hall on Sunday, November 17.

Inspired by RDCT’s beloved driver, Lyn Nealon, the new acquisition is intended not simply to replace the write-off, but also to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the start of RDCT’s services. Financing the purchase of the new bus was quite a protracted affair and sadly Lyn, who died in July, did not get to see it.

The insurance settlement following the write-off was augmented by funding accessed through ESCC and supported by Rye & Winchelsea Rotary Club, Rye Bonfire Society, the Brewery Yard Club, Rye Masons (Wellington Lodge), Rye Town Council and the George in Rye.

The new bus, on a 2015 registration plate, is a really youthful addition to RDCT’s fleet and will very shortly go into service on operations including the Homewood, 326 and group transport services.

Image Credits: Victoria Hurd .

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  1. Just think when the new parking enforcement officers operate in Rye, This bus would be ticketed is seconds for parking on a double yellow line….. Just think when the brides car arrives to take the bride to the reception, so will the parking warden…. Just think doing somebody a favour by dropping off people at the Keno, could well cost the driver of the vehicle a fine. Life will be very different…..


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