New chairman at RNLI Rye Harbour


Martin Bruce, already deputy lifeboat press officer (DLPO), has taken up the mantle of chairman at a station of which he is proud to be part.

Martin came to live at the harbour six years ago having retired early from the post of headmaster at Christ Church Cathedral School, Oxford. This was an interesting post in a school founded in 1547 by Henry VIII to provide choristers for the nearby cathedral, a tradition still in place today, four hundred and seventy-two years later. In February 2018 he became DLPO and when Andrew Seymour decided to retire, Martin was offered the post. He plays the organ at the church of The Holy Spirit in the harbour on an occasional basis and founded the village’s shanty group, the Round Rye Bay Singers, in January this year.

Andrew Seymour was chairman for three years and was well-respected at the station. He was always professional and was a good listener. He showed a keen interest in everything that was going on and was supportive to those running the station.

Joe Mitchell, area lifeboat manager, commented, “The RNLI wishes to thank Andrew Seymour for three years of professional chairmanship at Rye Harbour. Andrew’s highlight of his time there was the arrival of the new boat, an Atlantic 85, Hello Herbie II, and the naming ceremony for it. We wish him well in his retirement, well-deserved at eighty years old. We warmly welcome Martin Bruce, who brings many qualities and a wealth of management experience to this post.”

Image Credits: Kt Bruce .

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