New England revisited


The developers behind a planning application previously refused by Rother District Council (RDC) on New England Lane are appealing against RDC’s decision – for the second time.

The appeal, to the Planning Inspectorate, is because Rother turned down their application to build nine houses in a field off New England Lane. The council refused the planning application on the grounds that the site having ‘inadequate access to services and facilities’. In addition, Rother’s planners said, ‘The development by reason of its position within the spacious rural landscape setting between Playden and Rye and the proposed higher density of development, would have a significant and permanent harmful impact on the character and appearance of the area.’

This is the second time in recent years that an appeal has been submitted by the developers of this site. The original application for 24 houses, submitted in 2018, was rejected firstly by Rother and then again by the Planning Inspectorate when the developers appealed. At the time the Planning Inspectorate said, ‘The adverse impacts would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits.’

Both planning applications, firstly to build 24 houses and then the nine houses, came up against strong local opposition. At the time of writing, the date of the planning inspector’s visit had yet to be set.

Image Credits: Kevin McCarthy .

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  1. It is astonishing that another appeal is being made after such an overwhelming rejection of the previous appeal by the Planning Inspectorate. That decision was made on many grounds, notably including the fact that the development site is situated within an area of countryside. Looking at the history, one could conclude that the objective of the developers is to grind down and flush away all opposition. But allowing development on this site now would make a mockery of the planning authority’s previous decisions, wouldn’t it?


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