New funding for community


The trustees of Rye Community Shop are delighted to be able to announce yet another round of funding to local charities and community groups within the Rye & District area.

Since opening 3 years ago we are proud to have been able to support our local community to the value of just over £55,000 and are pleased to announce that application forms will be available from the shop at 41 Cinque Ports Street or by email as follows:

The closing date for applications is Sunday, March 31.

Applications will be accepted from any group in the Rye & District area which can demonstrate that they are supporting the social and local community infrastructure for public benefit. If in doubt or if you have any questions, please contact one of the trustees through the shop.

As always we would like to thank all of our volunteers and donors for their generous time and donations for which we are most grateful and without which such funding would not be possible.

Image Credits: Rye Community Shop .

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  1. Such a great achievement. All done by volunteers. The shop looks good and is well organised…..
    From one ex retailer very well done. The charities that benefit from your hard work must be so grateful.


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