News in brief


Rye Wurlitzer Academy proudly presents “The Rye Proms Night” in the Milligan Theatre at Rye College in Love Lane on Friday September 13 from 7:15 pm – adults £10, children free.

An evening packed with traditional and patriotic music is promised so you can sing along with favourites such as Jerusalem and Land of Hope and Glory and songs from the 1940s.

A seafood weekend

This weekend in Hastings, September 14 and 15, there is a seafood and wine festival at the Stade Open Space in the Old Town from from 11am to 6pm each day, with music to 7pm. Entry is £4 on the gate, under 18s free. Now in its 14th year, the festival features lots of music alongside around 40 stands.

Heritage Open Day

The medieval cellar of Blackfriars Barn

Now in its 25th year, Heritage Open Days around the country allow free admission to historical attractions either not normally open to the public or which normally charge for entrance, and Winchelsea Archaeological Society (WAS) is organising Winchelsea’s contribution this Saturday, September 14.

The theme for this year is religion and it concentrates on the town’s three churches and two friaries with a display and talks in the Lower Court Hall (from 11am to 4:30pm) and special tours of the The Friary Church and the Blackfriars Barn Cellar.

Open Garden

Also on Saturday September 14, there is an Open Garden at Fairlight Hall off Martineau Lane from 10am to 4pm with refreshments, plants and produce on sale. Entrance £5 per head.

Bonfire runners

Starting from Northiam Station

On Sunday September 15 Northiam Bonfire Society stages the annual Rother Valley 10k race starting at 10am from Northiam Railway Station and finishing at Bodiam Castle.

Online entry closes at mid-day Friday September 13 via but entry can be made on the day at Northiam Railway Station from 8:30am and the race is open to anyone aged 15 or over.

Talking cats

Fairlight’s Tuesday Ladies Club features on Tuesday September 17 a talk on the Bluebell Ridge Cat Rescue Centre at 2:15pm in the village hall. Visitors welcome for £2.

Crushing apples

Saturday week, as part of Hastings Sustainability Week, Fairlight Village Hall hosts Stonelynk Organics from 10am to 3pm pressing apples, and pasteurising them if needed, to make the freshest juice possible. Bring your own apples if it has been a good year. If not, Stonelynk will have some.

Fundraising dogs

And the following day, on Sunday September 22, Fairlight Hall’s branch of the Riding for the Disabled Association features a fund-raising dog show from 11am to 2pm.

Image Credits: Rye Bay Crew , Rye News library .

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