News in brief Nov 29


Landgate repairs

Landgate cleaning in 2024

Rother District Council is consulting on its 2025/26 budget, with cleaning Rye’s Landgate one of the many cuts likely. Next year’s draft budget suggests moving the annual building clean to every other year – saving £20,500.

RDC says it faces a large funding gap and is proposing to increase its share of the council tax by 2.99%. The draft budget also proposes raising more income by raising parking charges.

The consultation continues until mid January.

Earlier this month East Sussex County Council revealed it is also looking at wide-ranging cuts in an effort to help close a £57 million gap in its financial forecasts.

Chamber meets

Jane Brook Chair of the Rye and District Chamber of Commerce at the AGM

Rye Chamber of Commerce held its AGM at The George on Thursday November 21. Representatives from many of the 153 businesses and groups that make up the Chamber heard the latest on proposals for Rye’s Business Improvement District from Chair Jane Brook and Vice-Chair Sarah Broadbent.

A feasibility study into the BID is taking place at the moment with suggestions put forward by businesses including: events, discount cards, CCTV, town rangers and making Rye more appealing for visitors arriving by train or road. “It’s about thinking differently and collaboratively. Making the changes Rye wants to see, led by local businesses,” said Sarah Broadbent. Further work on developing a business case for the BID will take place in 2025.

Rye and District Chamber of Commerce AGM Sarah Broadbent

The role of volunteers and the difference they make to the town was also discussed, as was combating anti-social behaviour. You can read the full story on plans to help businesses combat crime elsewhere in this week’s Rye News.

Fundraising success

Farm machinery on show

This year’s Rye and District Country Show raised £23,000 for St Michael’s Hospice. Elm Tree Farm at Icklesham played host to the show on Saturday August 17.

Organisers have confirmed next year’s show will take place on Saturday August 16.

You can find out more on St Michael’s Hospice here.

On the radio

Cinque Ports Radio is doing its bit to help small businesses this Christmas. They are offering to make local small businesses a professional 30 second advert to be played at least 4 times a day until the new year.

James Clark, Managing Director of Cinque Ports Radio, said: “We know times are tough and as your local radio station we want to help local  businesses attract customers and keep Christmas shopping local. We have tens of thousands of listeners every.”

You find out more calling (01797) 458789 or emailing

Every Friday Cinque Ports Radio plays a bulletin of local stories from Rye News on 95.1fm

From our what’s on diary


Image Credits: Chris Lawson , Isabel Ryan , Kt bruce , Sharon Galliford , Oliver Brooks .

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