Parking controls creep nearer


Rye Town Council met on Monday October 30 and unanimously voted to support the introduction of civil parking enforcement (CPE).

The meeting kick-starts the long process of getting illegal parking under control, a process that could take up to two years. As explained in last week’s Rye News, the decisions before the Councillors were in answer to three questions posed by Rother District Council (RDC). The questions were:

  • 1: Should RDC ask East Sussex County Council (ESCC) to adopt CPE? The council unanimously voted in favour;
  • 2: Should CPE be introduced as soon as possible or should RDC investigate a bespoke solution. A majority of councillors voted in favour for introduction as soon as possible.
  • 3: Who should pay – local residents, via their council tax, or those who park? It was unanimously agreed that those parking should pay.

Concerns were raised by a number of Councillors that introducing CPE would be “pushing the problem out” of the Citadel to outlying roads such as Military Road and Love Lane because of the lack of car parking spaces in town.

The introduction of CPE was supported by representatives from the Rye Conservation Society and Rye Chamber of Commerce, both of whom raised their members’ concerns on the rise of careless and illegal parking across town.

Councillor Keith Glazier, Rye’s representative on ESCC, clarified that by law the profits generated from CPE must be used to support local services. He explained that the small profit from parking enforcement in Hastings, Eastbourne and Lewes subsidises the local bus services. There was a request that any profit generated in Rye should also be used to subsidise local services.

A number of Councillors criticised Rye’s two RDC representatives for their failure to attend the meeting. It was pointed out that both Councillors Lord Ampthill and Gennette Stevens had been liaising with RDC on traffic issues for some time and therefore the meeting could have benefited from their expertise.

The next step in the introduction of CPE in Rye is for two representatives from the Town Council to attend a Parking Enforcement Stakeholders’ Meeting on November 29 at Rother District Council. Councillors Boyd and Fiddimore agreed to attend and report back to the Council. 

Photo: Rye News library

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  1. So it may take another two years to resolve Ryes parking problems, may I suggest at pinch points, as shown in the picture, large cones are placed to deter the bad parking, there are at least half a dozen, around town, and needs to be done asap,so emergency vehicles are not hampered, by the inconsideration of selfish motorists.

  2. In the context of the Rye Neighbourhood Plan, the following represents considerations taken from the work of the Neighbourhood Planners.
    First, we all know that the parking system in Rye is complex and
    any change must be considered as it affects the whole. We know
    that by adding a measure in one place could well have impacts in
    several others. For instance: proposals affecting one street might
    well simply push the problem elsewhere.
    Secondly, while individuals will blame others from different groups
    – for instance residents in one part; traders in another – it needs to
    be acknowledged that there are numerous groups with differing
    interests, but all need to be considered:
    * residents living in: resident parking? Where, how many and
    how much?
    * residents living out: access to vital services such as
    * visitors including blue badges: any restrictions?
    * businesses and traders: where, how many and how much?
    * those delivering – people or parcels – loading bays?
    Lastly. From RNP consultations a summary of the ideas on all
    traffic issues is below to:
    + Encourage people who drive to the town to park in the “interceptor car
    parks” . These have the potential to capture vehicles before they enter the town centre. This will require improved signage and consultation about more attractive parking fees.
    + Provide an improved town centre allocation of short term on-street
    car parking in the Town Centre with better clarity for users, more blue
    badge spaces and signage to underused parking areas. The on-street
    car parking zones need to be better allocated (loading, short stay,
    blue badge) and marked. Clear signage, designation and delineation
    of car parking bay areas without yellow lining is required to assist
    + Provide more capacity closer to the Town Centre, considering the
    feasibility of multilevel parking sites close to the Station.
    + Consider more effective motorcycle parking provision at the Strand to
    meet existing peak demands and to create separation between bikes
    and pedestrians.
    + At peak tourist times consider Park and Ride, using existing sites,
    such as Gibbet Marsh.
    + Consider the creation of residents’ parking zones in certain areas of
    the town centre and station. This will prevent commuters and town
    centre employees from occupying residents’ parking areas.
    + Ensure that all new developments have adequate off-road parking.
    + Work with Rother DC, Network Rail and ESCC to provide preferential
    parking rates – for residents and town centre workers.
    + Encourage other partners to reinstate daily parking enforcement.

  3. Well done Dr Kimber. You have written a summary that should have been produced by absent representatives.
    If they can’t be bothered to appear maybe they need to hand the reins over to those that do! Too many apologies, not enough action!
    Those who use and love Rye want the best.
    Richard Bradshaw

  4. Commuters and passengers should be given dedicated area in station car park. As it was put there for use of railway users. Already nearly 2/3 of it is given away to coaches whose passengers don’t use the railway.

  5. The Neighbourhood Planners have considered a measure which would see coaches dropping off at the Station approach and then relocating to a holding park in say Rye Harbour. This could be implemented now if there was political will

  6. These are all fine comments but what it comes down to is that there are yellow lines in Rye and there are many inconsiderate people be they ‘Ryers’or ‘outsiders that do not think these apply to them.
    If they actually abided by the highway laws then the majority of these problems would not apply.


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