Poppy Appeal’s final count

Rye British Legion now have the final total for Rye and district for this year’s Poppy Appeal and, despite the very challenging climate, our Poppy Appeal coordinator, Paul Whiteman, and his team collected a superb £8,570.90 made up of £7,235.90 from collection tins, £730 from wreaths and £605 from donations.
Despite a shortage of items to fill the boxes with, we had collecting boxes in 32 outlets – although a lot of the boxes were behind screens, and many outlets were mainly doing card transactions – and hopefully we can add a few more next year.
We still have stock of VE day and 2020 pins which can be had for the normal donation of £2 each. Please send an email message to poppyappeal@ryebritishlegion.org.uk.
We would like to thank all of the people that helped with the collection as, without your help in this very difficult year, results would have been very different.
The main thanks must go to Jempson’s of Rye who let us have a table in a very convenient place in the store. The total raised in Jempson’s was £4,291.82.

Any offers of help for collecting next year, either street collecting or manning a table, would be much appreciated. Also, somebody that could supervise the distribution of collecting boxes to outlets in Camber, would be most helpful.

Please email Paul Whiteman, Poppy Appeal organiser at poppyappeal@ryebritishlegion.org.uk

Image Credits: Paul Whiteman .

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