Flag flies again from Landgate


For the first time in many years, a flag can be seen flying from the top of the Landgate Tower in Rye. Having spent some time awaiting repairs, the tower is currently undergoing renovation work funded by Rother District Council, with contributions from Rye Town Council, The Rye Fund and Rye Conservation Society.

The Mayor of Rye, Councillor Michael Boyd, along with Rother District Councillor, Lord Ampthill, were at the Landgate on Tuesday October 30 to see the Poppy Appeal flag hoisted. Councillor Boyd said: “The work being done to the Landgate by local company Hawk Industrial Abseiling is superb. They readily agreed to fly the flag kindly provided by Rye and District British Legion.

“The long-awaited work on the Landgate Tower fortunately coincides with the centenary of the end of World War One. I felt that ensuring the Poppy Appeal flag was flown there would put the Landgate back in the forefront of Rye life.”

Image Credits: Trevor Lavender .

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