Pugwash statue given green light


Rye Town Council has given the go-ahead for a Captain Pugwash statue in Rye, with the lifesize bronze artwork expected to be installed in the town’s Gun Garden after a fundraising campaign.

The groundbreaking decision will see one of the first pieces of true public art appearing in Rye, in a town long-renowned for its artistic community. Pugwash’s creator, the late John Ryan, was a well-known Rye resident for many years.

A statue of Captain Pugwash was originally suggested in September 2020, but while it received approval, the project did not advance because the Council felt unable to justify the cost at the height of the Covid pandemic. In the current cost-of-living crisis, a full meeting of the Town Council on October 17 has now reaffirmed its support for the proposal “subject to there being no cost to the Council”.

Private fundraising is due to start shortly. The project is supported by the Ryan family and the sculptor will be local artist Jim Sparrow, who has a studio on Cinque Ports Street.

Proponents of the statue point to the astonishing success of other animation-related artworks, such as the Desperate Dan statue erected in Dundee in 2001 and last year’s innovative Wallace and Gromit bench bronze in Preston. The Desperate Dan work is said to be Dundee’s most photographed piece of public art. Captain Pugwash books remain popular and it’s understood that finance is currently being sought for a live-action Pugwash film.

Given Rye’s maritime history, its smuggling past, and its fierce independence — together with a hint of rebelliousness — many would argue that the piratical Pugwash strongly reflects the spirit of the town. It’s hoped the local community will get fully behind the fundraising campaign and that the statue will help boost the town’s morale — putting smiles on faces as Rye recovers from the pandemic restrictions.

A Rye town councillor suggested the Pugwash statue could form part of a wider educational project in which children could learn about John Ryan’s work and local history.


Image Credits: Isabel Ryan .

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  1. Hurrah, some proper recognition for John Ryan. I will definitely donate. A Captain Pugwash statue will be great fun to have. Rye isn’t only about E. F. Benson. Now what about doing more for Radclyffe Hall?


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