Quizzing the headlines


The questions this week are set from Rye News’ stories and comments in the October 29 edition (last week’s)

1. Two properties undergoing restoration following many years of neglect were where?
2. Who, at the age of five, was inspired by his father to be a painter?
3. Who worked non-stop operations from Saturday morning until Monday morning?
4. Grants are being offered to organisations, groups or individuals who can support carers in East Sussex for how much?
5. What was recovered from Ilfracombe to Rye?
6. Gemma Blumire organised what from the Tilling Green Centre?
7. Whose special lunches are proving popular?
8. Tim Dickinson, Iain Cebunka, Paul Lancashire and Paul Bolton have qualified has what?
9. They refused to lie down and showed the true spirit. Who?
10. What will be on YouTube for 48 hours from 7pm on November 18?
11. Whose daughter is a hospital doctor?
12. An exhibit at St Leonards comprises 30,000 of what?
13. What will be 45 years old by the time it closes in 2028?
14. What has increased in Military Road?
15. Marcio da Silva is directing what at Winchelsea on Saturday, November 14 at 5:30pm ?
16. Their budget has been cut by two thirds?
17. A reception desk was donated to Rye Heritage Centre by?
18. What should you ensure finishes before 11pm?
19. Students, parents and families at Rye College’s end of term non-uniform day donated items of what and to whom?
20. Parents should be encouraged to take responsibility for their own children is a quote from whom ?
21. Who has a new website in advance of their 70th anniversary in 2021?
22. Rye Town Council asked to be involved in a bespoke visitor interpretation panel at the start of what?
23. What is open in Cinque Ports Street on Wednesdays from 1pm until 3pm at the Baptist Church?
24. Two tales that have played out some seventy years apart?
25. Whose video will be launched on Rye News shortly?
26. (HARC) ESC are now able to offer a service to Rye. What do the abbreviations (HARC) ESC Stand for?
27. A petition asking the government to avoid the prospect of a record need for what this winter?
28. The gathering of what may be affected by possible contamination from chemicals?
29. What annual event due on November 15 has been cancelled this year because of the pandemic?
30. Who came to the rescue by collecting and delivering a donation free of charge?

1. In the Citadel of Rye
2. Tom Marsh
3. Network Rail
4. £15,000
5. Canon David Frost Rector of Rye’s car
6. School packed lunches
7. The Hub on Rye Hill
8. RNLI tractor drivers
9. Icklesham Casuals
10. The musical Mapp & Lucia
11. Charles Harkness (the editor)
12. 30,000 stitches
13. Dungeness B nuclear power nuclear station
14. Selfish car parking
15. The Hastings Philharmonic Orchestra
16. The Environment Agency
17. Heringtons solicitors
18. Fireworks celebrations
19. Food to Rye Food Bank
20. Sally-Ann Hart MP
21. Rye Society of Artists (RSA)
22. Planning for an updated 1066 Walk
23. Rye Food Bank
24. The hijacking of the tanker Nave Andromeda and Nigerians serving in Burma during the second world war
25. The Rye Royal British Legion for Remembrance Sunday
26. Hastings Advice and Representation Centre and Energise Sussex Coast
27. Food banks
28. Blackberries.
29. The memorial service in Rye Harbour Church in memory of the Mary Stanford disaster
30. Bournes Removals

Image Credits: John Minter .

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