Rain does not stop play


Rye’s town crier Rex Swain was on hand to introduce deputy mayor Michael Boyd who opened the Tilling Green summer fête, which included attractions for all the family and live rock’n’roll music from the band Something Else. As well as stalls run by Tilling Green Residents Association there were others run by the Girl Guides, Rye Rotary, Rother Youth Group, ARRCC, Rye Brownies and many more. 1066 Reptile Rescue brought a selection of slithery visitors along including a giant snake called Cleo.

There was an inflatable bungee run and a inflatable play park which was supplied by Colossal Events. Flying Friar’s fish and chips, an ice cream van and a bar provided by the Queens Head were all on hand. There were displays from line dancers Step Up and Dance and martial arts from Complete Martial Arts.

It was a great afternoon out for the family, as well as an opportunity for various local groups to raise funds. The wet conditions the day before meant the fête could not be held on the main field so stalls were situated in the hall, the classrooms and on the green outside Tilling Green Community Centre.

We would like to thank all the volunteers that helped out on the day as well as everyone who donated cakes for our home baking stall and bottles for our adult tombola. We would also like to thank all the local businesses who again supported us by donating over 60 raffle prizes for our grand raffle.

Please contact Dan Lake on 07584435732 or by email daniellake8@hotmail.com if you won on the Tilling Green Residents Association raffle and you still have not received your prize.

Photos: John Wylie

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  1. Was a lovely day. Well done to Dan and all the organisers.
    Step Up And Dance really enjoyed getting to dance to ‘Something Else’.
    Thanks to the guys for playing our requests.


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