RCS rewards building achievements


Five classy buildings and refurbished properties have been recognised by Rye Conservation Society (RCS) in their list of annual awards. Ashbees 100, the Hub on Rye Hill, the Outside Inn, the Ryebank Gallery and Tatner’s Street Kitchen have all been honoured for the excellence of their design or the high standard of their renovation.

The buildings selected by the RCS Executive Committee have been chosen for a variety of reasons, from the sympathetic way a restoration has been carried out or the way a building has been repurposed for a different use, to the way in which a building has fitted in with the surrounding landscape or improved the look of the High Street. The awards are to be presented to the winners at the RCS garden party due to take place at Little Orchard House in West Street on August 22, subject to Covid-19 restrictions.

Details of the awards as well as photos of current and historic buildings, details of planning applications and news about Rye buildings can be found at the RCS website. There you will also find an application form for annual membership which costs £6, or £10 for joint membership.

Image Credits: Tony Mclaughlin , Tony McLaughlin .

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