Ready for business


The High Street was quite busy on Monday as shopkeepers opened their doors for what had too long been called non-essential purchases. The mood was buoyant with some retailers such as Nigel Bourne at the Kitchen Shop already reporting good business.

Justin Smith at Ashbees

Further along, Justin Smith was giving a polish to the brass window sills at Ashbees. Door ajar, the interior looked inviting on its first day of business for this new shop.

The Sue Ryder charity shop is open and receiving items for resale, and the Library is open again for restricted hours – on Mondays and Thursdays 10am till 4pm and on Saturdays 10am till 1pm.

Opportunities for new employment are being advertised at the Apothecary (still closed) on the corner with East Street. The Standard Inn is also looking for more staff – as are other venues – and I ventured into the open area behind the inn to find guests already seated at the table alcove named The Poacher’s Knot.

High expectations seem well-founded, with continuing good coverage on BBC local television news, and a revivified Chamber of Commerce, ready to welcome visitors from afar choosing the area for this year’s staycation.

Seeking work ? 

Editor’s note: And the slow return to normal life is reflected on the right of this page in the “Latest Job Vacancies” at Concepts, Jempsons, Rye’s Heritage Centre, and the new Discovery Centre down at Rye Harbour.

So, if you have jobs to advertise, go to the “Submit a Job” at the top of this page.  Listings are free.  If we help you fill your job and you’d like to make a small donation, it would be much appreciated.

Image Credits: Kenneth Bird .

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  1. Please spread the word about the new government funding.My advice is if in doubt about your eligibility, then apply.
    At a special meeting of Cabinet held on Thursday it was confirmed that Rother District Council has received £9.3 million to help businesses reopen. Grants of up to £6,000 for non-essential retail businesses and £18,000 for hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal care and gym businesses will be available to those who deal face-to-face with the public.

    It was also decided that any remaining money in the discretionary grant scheme would be used to support businesses not qualifying for the latest funding stream. Funds will also be used to promote and stimulate new jobs through supporting new businesses and the expansion of existing businesses in Rother. Read more in our latest press release or in the minutes of the meeting.


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