Report from St Mary's meeting


The Annual Parochial Church Meeting took place at St Mary’s church on April 17, attended by 48 parishioners.
Last year the church expenditure exceeded its income by £19,433. The Quinquennial Inspection is due this year which will add additional costs particularly in relation to the recent damage to the finial, which crashed down into the churchyard recently, as reported in Rye News.
Work has recently finished at Rye Harbour church with complete redecoration and repairs to the windows.

Retiring churchwarden Anne Wood

We are very grateful to John Gurney for looking after our temperamental boiler, the church fabric and the clock. We are also grateful to Andrew Bamji who has been helping with the clock.
Messy Church, held every month in St Mary’s Centre, continues to be source of real encouragement, and we are grateful for those who work so hard to make it happen.
The Rector made a presentation to Anne Wood in recognition of her outstanding work as churchwarden for the past six years. Although Anne is now standing down from this role, she will continue to take an active role in the church.
Although St Mary’s needs two churchwardens only one was elected, Simon Compton. John Lanigan was re-elected to the PCC.
In his review the Rector thanked the employed staff and volunteers for all their hard work and support without which the church would not be able to be open every day. We are also very grateful for the continued support of the Friends of St Mary’s who made a considerable contribution to church funds throughout the year.
At the close of the meeting Bob Stephenson gave a vote of thanks on behalf of the parishioners to Canon David Frost.

Photos: Shelley Jebb

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