Rex's time to stop crying


Farewell Rye Town Crier Rex Swain (above) as he retires and we welcome in his place Paul Goring (below) the current Deputy Town Crier.
Rex has announced his impending retirement and the Town Council has agreed to commission a suitable commemorative ceramic plaque for display in the Town Hall Garden behind the building and nearby to St Mary’s main entrance.
The council also resolved to thank Rex for his professionalism and diligence whilst carrying out the role of Rye Town Crier since his appointment in July 1999 – nearly 20 years ago.

When Paul Goring was a little boy, he wanted to be a town crier. He now has the job of his dreams

Paul will step up when Rex retires and the Town Council has meanwhile started recruiting a new deputy.
The deputy receives an annual honorarium for attending civic and community events and payments for each wedding/ceremony/commercial event attended.
Duties include attending and crying at weddings, civil partnership, vows renewal and baby naming ceremonies at Rye Town Hall, and attending and crying at civic and community events organised wholly or partly by the Town Council.
For more information and to discuss this post informally ring the Town Clerk Richard Farhall on 01797 223902

Photos: Rye News Library

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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  1. Rex has done a magnificent job for Rye over the last 20 years; a great Crier and a true gentleman. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to have been his Deputy and to learn the craft from him. I am proud to be his successor and look forward to serving Rye in that capacity.
    As I step into his (buckled) shoes, I can only say that I stand on the shoulders of a giant!

  2. Well done Rex, you have done a brilliant job and I enjoyed working with you. Lovely memories and loads to laugh about! Enjoy your retirement. I am sure Paul will do you proud.
    All the best


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